
  • Basic butter cookies

    cookie close upHave you ever been in a situation where you urgently needed some cookies? Perhaps solely for yourself because you simply crave something sweet and comforting. Or maybe to casually impress someone without having to spend too much time and energy. Or possibly because you are nearly off to a social gathering and require a small but personal host gift. I have just the thing. These butter cookies take less than 30 minutes to make, which in most cases is quicker than going to a store and buying ready-made ones. There is also no need to chill them prior to baking. These butter cookies are impossibly simple yet still rich and indulgent without being overly sweet. They are soft and crumbly at the same time; they make you want to have more yet they are quite filling.

  • The best carrot cake

    carrot cake sliceFew years ago my mother has cheerfully requested a carrot cake for her birthday. It seemed simple enough and it always helps when it’s narrowed down. Not something abstract and vague like “a cake”, which leaves you wondering exactly what type of a cake would be preferred. Specifying a flavour is tremendously useful when the possibilities are essentially endless. Still, after researching carrot cake recipes for about half an hour, I was not entirely happy with a single one. It seemed the only way out of that dilemma was to make up a recipe of my own. Right now I don’t even recall how many various recipes I had to combine, but it magically worked out. Everyone loved it. Including my brother, who is generally not a fan of carrots, particularly cooked ones.